Make a booking

Reserve your dream vacation now.

Еxclusive: 5% discount for bookings for 8 to 13 nights, 10% for 14 to 19 nights and 15% for 20+ nights!

Booking form




Number of accommodation:






Accommodation 1

Accommodation 2

Accommodation 3

Accommodation 4

Accommodation 5

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Accept our policies for this reservation

The total price is  , which is to be paid via bank transfer or cash on arrival. You will receive payment instructions by email about how to transfer a deposit or the full amount in order to guarantee the reservation. Until a payment of at least a deposit is received, the reservation will not be locked for you, however, it will be held in your name in case no other customer pre-pays for accommodation and dates interfering with yours.

There are no active payment gateways. Please activate at least one payment gateway in HBook settings (HBook > Payment).


Please double check your reservation details before clicking on "Book now".


Important information

1) If you cannot find a suitable accommodation, please contact us and we will try to find a solution.

2) Villa 8 has an optimum capacity of up to 8 persons; villas 6 and 7 – up to 6 persons. If you cannot find availability for a certain number of people and wish to exceed the capacity of the villas (not recommended!), try to search for fewer persons.